What Happens After Serious Games or Simulated Solutions?
Community resilience
North Manhattan, Central Florida and South Florida conducted Serious Games to identify strategies to address climate change.
Bay County in the Florida Panhandle held Simulated Solutions to determine what could be done to improve their housing crisis.
Bay County in the Florida Panhandle hosted virtual Simulated Solutions to determine a community response to COVID.
Serious Games and Simulated Solutions Establish Relationships
and Frameworks for Community Collaboration
Examples of Serious Games and Simulated Solutions Appear Below with the Community Collaborations that Followed

Climate Maps
Background and References
Environmental Health and Justice
Worker Training and Job Readiness
Emergency Preparedness
Extreme Heat
Extreme Heat

Phase 1 Stage 2: Community Reports with Vulnerability Assessments
● Altamonte Springs
● Azalea Park
● Casselberry
● Downtown Orlando
● Dunbar
● Holden Heights
● Kissimmee
● Mercy Drive
● Orlovista
● Parramore
● South Apopka
With generous support from The Miami Foundation
Hurricane Dashboards
● Altamonte Springs
● Azalea Park
● Casselberry
● Downtown Orlando
● Dunbar
● Holden Heights
● Kissimmee
● Mercy Drive
● Orlovista
● Parramore
● South Apopka
With generous support from The Miami Foundation
Hurricane Dorian After Action Report
Hurricane Dorian After Action Report
Documentation of the activities of the groups that collaborated on the Florida Disaster Resilience Initiative (FDRI) in Central Florida before, during and after Hurricane Dorian brushed the coast.
Groups trained with generous funding from The Miami Foundation
Central Florida Climate Action Plan
Resilience Resources
Resilience Resources – English
Resilience Resources – Spanish
Air Quality Resources – English
Researched and created with generous support from the Energy Foundation
Helping Families Reduce Exposure to Air Pollution
The main objective of the project was to mitigate the negative health impacts of air pollution. It promoted Community Science and open dialogue and information sharing regarding air quality; with the goal of promoting a healthy environment. Activities included: surveying regarding prevalence of asthma and symptoms of respiratory disease, monitoring temperature, humidity, and levels of PM2.5 ,PM10, NO2, O3, CO, SO2, NMHC, and VOC, and providing education and outreach to empower residents not only to make personal decisions to reduce the severity of asthma, the prevalence of symptoms of respiratory disease, and the exposure to air pollution in three low income historic African American communities, but also to promote civic engagement.
With generous support from the EPA Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem Solving Program
Enhanced Air Quality Monitoring (2023-2026)
Air Quality Proposed Monitoring Sites: Mapping Meeting
The goal of our project is to create a Community Air Quality (AQ) Advisory Council (Council) comprised of representatives from underserved communities in Orange County, FL that is informed by Community Science AQ Monitoring. Activities will include: (1) a Community Science AQ monitoring program in underserved communities in Orange County, FL with Environmental Justice AQ indicators in at least the 80th percentile in the US, & deaths from asthma, chronic lower respiratory disease, diabetes, emphysema, cancer &/or heart disease in the top 4th quartile in FL; (2) Equitable process consultation on constituting a representative Council, (3) Technical support to the Council to assist participants serving on the council to understand the monitoring data; and (4) Policy support to draft documents that establish a reporting process so the Community Science data will inform prioritization of further study in communities of color in Orange County, FL.
With generous support from the EPA Enhanced Air Quality Monitoring Program
Climate Migrant Stories
Javier Figueroa Maria Survivors Story
- Dariel Martinez (3:22) https://vimeo.com/702184728
- Amneris Ortiz (3:54) https://vimeo.com/702055344
- Aleanix Martinez (4:30)
- https://vimeo.com/701846439
With generous suport from the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Ms. Betty Resilience Hub Development
ORLANDO, Fla. – A pink house seen on W. Washington Street in the Parramore community will soon be known as Ms. Betty Resilience Hub Learning Center.
This is a place Lawana Gelzer, with Community Equity Project, said will help get results for both children and adults.
“This is for Orange County but mostly for underserved communities. We are last to receive, but we are most in need,” Gelzer said.
Gelzer explained the project started with her mother, Betty, who donated the property in effort to make a difference.
The learning center will have a library, a conference room, pantry, and a kitchen.
Outside, children will have the opportunity grow greens through a community garden and grow their own food using an outbuilding meant for hydroponics.
“What we do is we empower our community, so now you have on going servers, people who will be there. Community people that will be there,” Gelzer said.
A ribbon cutting ceremony took place on Friday, but the learning center is set to officially open in two weeks.
Copyright 2022 by WKMG ClickOrlando – All rights reserved.
With generous support from Gulf Coast 4 a Green New Deal
Familia Resilience Hub Development
A resilience hub with bi- and tri-lingual staff serving the needs of hurricane displaced families and vulnerable populations on the east side of the Orlando metropolitan area.
With generous support from Gulf Coast 4 a Green New Deal

Phase 1 Stage 2: Community Reports & Vulnerability Assessments
● Allapattah – VA
● Dania Beach – VA
● Hollywood – VA
● Liberia – VA
● Liberty City – VA
● Little Haiti – VA
● North Miami – VA
● Richmond Heights – VA
Hurricane Dashboards
The Smile Trust Community Emergency Operations Center
Miami Climate Alliance Community Preparation and Advocacy Coordination
The CLEO Institute Provides Climate Education

Simulated Solutions 2.0: Housing
With generous support from Gulf South 4 a Green New Deal
Glenwoodopoly Homeowners and Homebuyers Fair
More than a dozen vendors arrived with a handful of resources to educate our community on the home-buying process. Offering jobs, financial assistance, and guidance, we were able to serve nearly a hundred members of our community this year.
E Sports Summer Camp
The students had a blast learning all about Minecraft, topics related to engineering and science, as well as applying their developing skills to software utilized by today’s workforce. Students left with a Google Certification and memories that will last a lifetime.
LEAD Coalition of Bay County, Inc in collaboration with FSU Panama City, The City of Panama City and the Panama City Housing Authority
Business Development Program
Small Business workshops and events that enable participants to qualify for small business micro-loans

Food Giveaways
The Needs Assessment showed that people were very low on cash with many losing their jobs or having their hours cut. Food was a priority need.
Indoor Air Quality
Home Environmental Assessment List (HEAL)
With people sequestered in their homes, indoor air quality became a concern in Panama City where many hurricane damaged homes were not yet repaired. Residents were trained to use this Do-It-Yourself Home Assessment to make changes that increase indoor air quality.
With generous support from the EPA Environmental Justice Office
Helping People to Understand the Disease
One of the findings of the Simulated Solutions was that local doctors and other local health providers were trusted. There was a lot of confusion and conflicting information. LEAD Coalition provided a virtual platform during the pandemic for residents to ask questions of these trusted local professionals.
Vaccination Access and Information
The Simulated Solutions took place before vaccines were developed, but included scenarios and discussion of what would happen when they were available. The need for free testing and vaccination was clearf as was the need to partner with providers and others. A communications framework was created at Simulated Solutions that was refined, extended and developed. LEAD Coalition expanded its service area for vaccinations into 7 counties in the panhandle, most of which are rural.
Vaccination equity work has been funded with generous support from the CDC Foundation and through the Migrant Clinicians Network with funding from HRSA.