ACHS-RAC North Country Strong

RAC is a multi-organizational enterprise dedicated to decreasing climate change and pandemic impacts, while advancing the mission critical functions within American communities, such as renewable energy systems, housing, health systems, food security, and others. RAC partners with and provides support for community partners, empowering local leaders and community members to enact change in their own communities.

ACHS-RAC Sites in the North Country

 RAC sites in New Hampshire are supported by Ammonoosuc Community Health Health Services (ACHS), a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). These sites are piloting collaborations with public libraries and local leaders in rural areas of New Hampshire to support health and wellness and to increase resilience. The pilot sites are in the Town of Warren and the Town of  Whitefield. The dashboards, co-designed with local leaders, are accessible using the buttons below. Use the sliders below the buttons to get a sense of innovations and challenges in these communities.

Coös County DashboardGrafton County Dashboard

Town of Whitefield, NH

Coös County

Resilience Partner Champions!

Town of Whitefield & Clean Energy NH


The Town of Whitefield has been awarded an $87,000 community facilities grant for solar arrays for the town hall, the fire station, and the library. The Town applied for the USDA solar projects grant with assistance from Melissa Elander, a Grant Circuit Rider for Clean Energy, NH.

In Event News

Come join us the third Thursday of each month from 10-11 at the Whitefield Library for an informative and lively discussion at the Whitefield Library. Aging Wisely is a group for Senior Citizens and those who care about them. We have coffee and conversation about how to avoid being overwhelmed by the pace of life and what to do with the “stuff” that has accumulated around us.


For more information on Aging in Place, visit Harriet Vaughan’s blog

In Health Event News

The Whitefield Public Library is hosting a Medicare information session on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 4:30pm.

In Community News

Whitefield Public Library Receives Funding For a Million Dollar Project

The funding is from New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority (CDFA). The Community Center Investment Program resources will support the enhancement of current indoor and outdoor facilities, as well as the construction of new spaces, that have proven to be inclusive, open to the public, and foster a culture of health and wellbeing in the communities they serve.

In Housing News

New Hampshire housing survey shows the need for almost 60,000 units between 2020 and 2030 and nearly 90,000 units between 2020 and 2040.

Rails to Trails News

A North Country project to convert the current railroad into a four-season recreation trail between Dalton and Whitefield: This section of the railway is a key link in New England’s rail trail network. 

Emergency Communications Resilience Champion!

Whitefield Elementary School

Whitefield ES has implemented the SAU 36 telephone/text/email alert system. Families with children at Whitefield ES will receive Emergency Closings Notifications if school is canceled or delayed when a significant safety or weather risk exists. Parents are reminded to keep their contact information current.

Town of Warren, NH

Grafton County

Resilience Champions!

Appleknockers General Store partnered with NH Solar Shares 

to build a community solar photovoltaic (PV) array in Warren, NH.  NH Solar Shares is a program run by the Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative designed to share solar energy with income eligible families, increase the portion of solar energy on the grid and contribute to a healthier environment.

Rails to Trails News

A North Country project to convert the current railroad into a four-season recreation trail between Dalton and Whitefield has been proposed. This section of the railway is a key link in New England’s rail trail network.

In Library News

The Joseph Patch Library’s new Wednesday Junior Book Club program for kids who share a love of books this fall!

In Forests and Lands News

Volunteer Fire Assistance Grants (VFA)

Funds are available for Volunteer Fire Assistance (VFA) grants to fire suppression organizations in communities of less than 10,000 in population.

In Housing News

New Hampshire housing survey shows the need for almost 60,000 units between 2020 and 2030 and nearly 90,000 units between 2020 and 2040.

Quick Findings from Data Gathered and Analyzed to Date

Bioregional Executive Gaps and Solutions Discussed on the RAC Convocation 1.13.2022

Guests from the North Country attended the 1.15.2022 RAC Convocation, and shared their perspectives. These included:

  • Courtney Vashaw, Director of the Whitefield Public Library
  • Kris van Bergen-Buteau, Director of Workforce Development & Public Health Programs at North Country Health Consortium
  • Ed Shanshala, CEO Ammonoosuc Community Health Service North Country
  • Peter Ames, Exec. Dir. Foundation for Healthy Communities

The Gap and Solutions charts from the 1.13.2022 RAC Convocation are HERE.

The recording of the 1.13.2022 RAC Convocation is available HERE.

Structured Interviews of Town Contacts Provided by Our Community Coordinators

People networked with our Community Coordinators were recommended to us for interviews by the Warren and Whitefield Community Coordinators.

Warren and Whitefield Word Clouds.  The more frequently a word is found, the larger it becomes in the word cloud.

The responses to two questions were used to create the word cloud: (1)What experiences or challenges in your community have caused   your organization to be interested in increasing resilience, increasing disaster preparedness, or supporting health, wellness and well-being? and  (2) What outcome(s) for your community would you hope for from your organization’s involvement with the ACHS-RAC initiative?

Warren Word Cloud


Whitefield Word Cloud



Interviews included residents of Warren, Whitefield, Plymouth and Lancaster.  The most frequently used descriptor to describe the communities was “close community.”


The list of names included people from different sectors of society. This question helps us understand where the capacities exist in formal and informal networks of individuals and organizations.


Warren Phrases in response to two questions


Whitefield Phrases in response to two questions

Preliminary Mission Critical Functions Surveys

The preliminary results of Town of Whitefield Mission Critical Functions Surveys (N=18) identified 7 Mission Critical Functions with a ranking of 3: elevated vulnerability. These included Sheltering in Place and Evacuation Systems, Climate Threat Mitigation, Renewable vs Grid Energy, Value Chains, Community Security, Psychosocial Resilience and Management and Governance.



Additional questions were added to capture detail on specific Mission Critical Functions in the Town of Whitefield.

Responses to housing questions indicated that a majority of respondents felt that both affordability and availability had decreased over the pat 3 years.



Detailed questions on infrastructure indicated that public lighting had remained the same (14) or improved. Most respondents felt that environmental conditions (11) and Public transportation (10) remained the same over the past three years.

Sports fields and recreation areas and children’s play areas had mixed responses.

Sports fields and recreational areas were not applicable to 5 respondents. Of the remaining respondents, five thought sports fields and recreational areas had worsened over the past 3 years,2 thought they had remained the same, and 3 felt they had improved.

Sports fields and recreational areas were not applicable to 5 respondents. Of the remaining respondents, five thought sports fields and recreational areas had worsened over the past 3 years,2 thought they had remained the same, and 3 felt they had improved.

11.1% of respondents reported the quality of theirhousehold internet service was poor.

In the past year,

  • 11 of 18 respondents reported they had met with a medical professional using a phone, a tablet or a computer.
  • Half (9 of 18) of the respondents reportedthey had met with a medical professional in a public space,
  • A third  (6 of 18) of respondents would contact a medical professional in a private setting at their local library if a tablet or computer was available.




Postcard Questionnaire Findings: Interest in Specific Wellness Programs

A postcard questionnaire was tested in mid-August 2023. Preliminary data from 14 respondents showed:

  • 28.6% interested in both virtual and in-person Walk With Ease physical activity programs,
  • 14.3%  interested in in-person Enhance Fitness Older Adult Fitness, but only 8.3% interested in a virtual Enhance Fitness Older Adult Fitness program, and
  • 7.1% were interested in an in-person Tai Ji Quan for Better Balance program, with none interested in a virtual Tai Ji Quan for Better Balance program

The free response to the question What types of programs or recreation opportunities would you like to see your town provide?

5 of the 8 responses were programs for children or youth, and 3 of those 4 responses included providing food.

2 of the remaining activities were outdoor recreation, and the remaining program explores happiness through community connection.

Details are below.

Upcoming Highlights

Library Outreach

ACHS-RAC Health and Wellness Portal

Community Forums (September – November 2023)

Serious Game Process Kickoff  (December 7, 2023)

Serious Games (April 2024)

Serious Games After Action Report (Summer 2024)

Library Outreach Area

Outreach to libraries will be in Coös and Grafton Counties.


Green icons are the libraries in ACHS-RAC pilot communities.

Burgundy icons are libraries in the ACHS-RAC Library Outreach Area

Blue icons are in geographies considered for outreach in the near future.

  • The map will be updated with information on ACHS RAC materials and services available at NH libraries as the network builds.
  • Resource information common to the library and the FQHC will provide health education


Resources for Librarians and the Communities They Serve

An overview of the support for libraries associated with the ACHS RAC North Country Strong Initiative

Resources for Emerging Community Leaders

  • Asynchronous training that can be used by community members to develop leadership skills
  • The training available through the button below is for hosting meetings on Zoom and using Doodle polls to schedule meetings 

ACHS-RAC Health and Wellness Portal

Background information and links to resources that support health and wellness. Initial modules include:

  • Cancer Education and Resources
  • Understanding Telehealth
  • Modules based on needs identified in Community Interviews, Community Forums and Serious Games

Community Forums

Community Forums are small group meetings of from 10 to 30 people that are hosted by Community Leaders and Librarians.

The Agenda includes:

  • Asset and Liability identification and mapping
  • Gap Identification
  • Solution Discussion that may include identification of champions and budgets
  • Survey facilitation for all who have not yet completed the Mission Critical Functions survey

Information collected informs the Serious Games design, and initiates grant research, partnering and investigation of related business opportunities.





Notes on alignments discussed at the September 28, 2023 event

On the call for this discussion:

Hosts: Ed Shanshala (ACHS) and Dr. Michael McDonald (RAC)

Community Coordinators: Austin Albro (Town Administrator of Warren), Courtney Vashaw (Whitefield Public Library)

Guests: Kris Bergen-Buteau (North Country Health Consortium), Frank Pinter, Katelyn Robinson (NCHC), Colleen Dowling (Bi-State Primary Care Association), Jeff Jones (ACHS), Melanie Robert (White Mountain Community College), Rob Scott (SAU 36), Frank Pinter (Software Expertise)

RAC Technical Support Team: Jan Booher (RAC), Jeff Booher (RAC), Leah Booher (RAC), Yajaira Santiago (SNHU Intern/ACHS-RAC), Erin Schlumpf (SNHU Intern/ACHS-RAC)



    • Kris van Bergen-Buteau (North Country Health Consortium) offered letters of support for generators and such (energy) to Courtney Vashaw (Whitefield Public Library) for grant applications
    • Melanie Roberts (White Mountain Community College) offers the White Mountain Community College as a resource for the community, and an offer to collaborate with Courtney Vashaw (Whitefield Public Library) and others to connect to existing programs and partnerships offered through the community college
    • Courtney Vashaw (Whitefield Public Library) offered to work on academic programs that attach students to RAC Tools/Methods/personnel
    • Katelyn Robinson (NCIC) offers to share past successful telehealth and medicine grant application as a model of a successful application to Ed Shanshala (ACHS)
    • Dr. Michael McDonald (RAC) offers to connect Katelyn Robinson (NCHC) to regional financial players
    • Colleen Dowling (Bi-State Primary Care Association) offered to connect RAC to the NH Food Access Coalition
    • Jeff Jones (ACHS) offers to help as places for him to contribute emerge
    • Dr. Michael McDonald (RAC) offered to Melanie Roberts (White Mountain Community College), Kris Bergen-Buteau (North Country Health Consortium) and Courtney Vashaw (Whitefield Public Library) to coordinate RAC’s developing Community Resilience Worker program with efforts to create academic programs/certification programs
    • Dr. Michael McDonald (RAC) offered to work with Ed Shanshala (ACHS) and Tara Giles (Community Builders Hub) to build a campaign for recruiting community leaders and members to attend the December 7th Serious Games Kick-off  and the April 2024 Serious Games

Page Last Updated: October 8, 2023

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